Oberlin's Women: A Legacy of Leadership & Activism

Margaret Ada Guss Barnaby

Margaret Ada Guss Barnaby (1903-1991, OC 1925) was an educator and administrator. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in English literature from Oberlin College in 1925. After graduating, she worked as a teacher for the Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company until 1927. That year she became the secretary for the Admissions Office at Oberlin College. In 1929, Barnaby was appointed as the secretary to the Editor of the Congregational Publishing Society. From 1937 to 1956, she was the secretary of the Harvard School of Public Health. In 1956, she began working as the administrative assistant to the dean at that same institution. She left that position in 1968 to become the director of Alumni Affairs at the Harvard School of Public Health. She retired in 1969.

Barnaby was named an honorary member of the Harvard School of Public Health faculty in 1962. She was a Town Meeting Member for her city of Brookline, Massachusetts, as well as an officer of the Harvard Congregational Church Women’s Guild. She worked as a secretary for the Brookline Community Council Sub-Council on Health and as a secretary for the World Service Community.

Schmitt, Allison. “Margaret Guss Barnaby Papers, 1921-25, 1967-69, n.d..” Last modified 2020, http://oberlinarchives.libraryhost.com/index.php?p=collections/controlcard&id=426

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